Yamaha Parts Specialist

TDM900 DID 525VX3 118 Link Chain (Standard)

TDM900 DID 525VX3 118 Link Chain (Standard)
£79.99 (Inc. VAT)
£66.66 (Ex. VAT)

This chain is manufactured in Japan by D.I.D. the worlds largest manufacturer of motorcycle chain. D.I.D. supply chain to all four Japanese motorcycle companies for fitment onto new bikes. Why risk using an inferior brand?? Supplied complete with rivet type connecting link this 525VX3 118 link X-ring chain suits:

TDM900 2002-2010

Please note this chain is the correct length for the sprockets fitted as standard factory specification, if the sprockets have been changed to alter the gearing the chain may be a different number of links, If in doubt just count the number of links on the bike.

Replaces Yamaha part numbers
All part numbers are used for reference purposes only and no source of manufacture or supply is implied.